Nebula Awards 22 SFWA s ...

«Nebula Awards 22: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 1986»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
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Nebula Awards 22: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 1986

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988 г. (апрель)

ISBN: 0-15-665476-8, 978-0-15-665476-0

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 375


Cover art by Vaughn Andrews


  1. George Zebrowski. Introduction (предисловие), p. ix
  2. Algis Budrys. 1986, Reduced from 2000 (эссе), p. 1
  3. Isaac Asimov. Robot Dreams (рассказ), p. 10
  4. Isaac Asimov. Seven Steps to Grand Master (эссе), p. 19
  5. Greg Bear. Tangents (рассказ), p. 27
  6. Judith Moffett. Surviving (рассказ), p. 47
  7. Kate Wilhelm. The Girl Who Fell Into the Sky (рассказ), p. 88
  8. Suzy McKee Charnas. Listening to Brahms (рассказ), p. 133
  9. Lucius Shepard. R & R (повесть), p. 161
  10. Orson Scott Card. Hatrack River (рассказ), p. 250
  11. Gregory Benford. Newton Sleep (повесть), p. 274
  12. George Zebrowski. Rhysling Poetry Award Winners (1986) (статья), p. 320
  13. Susan Palwick. The Neighbor's Wife (стихотворение), p. 321
  14. Andrew Joron. Shipwrecked on Destiny Five (стихотворение), p. 322
  15. Bill Warren. Science Fiction Movies of 1986 (эссе), p. 325


Page 320 has Rhysling Poetry Award Winners, horizontal line, and then Susan Palwick / Andrew Joron. However, it's clear that the lead paragraph, which is about the award in general, is written by someone else. This is followed by bio essays for Susan Palwick and then Andrew Joron. Their poems then follow. Thus the Rhysling Poetry Award Winners introduction essay has been entered as by uncredited.

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