Follycon The 2018 Eastercon ...

«Follycon: The 2018 Eastercon Souvenir Book»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Follycon: The 2018 Eastercon Souvenir Book

первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

Eastercon, 2018 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: не указан

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 56


Follycon was the 2018 Eastercon, held in Harrogate, 30 March – 2 April 2018, with GoHs Kieron Gillen, Christina Lake, Nnedi Okorafor, and Kim Stanley Robinson.

Cover art by Sue Mason.


  1. Alison Scott. Welcome to Follycon! (статья), с. 4-5
  2. Our Guest of Honour
    1. Kieron Gillen
      1. Kieron Gillen. Immortality, of a Kind (рассказ), с. 6-6
      2. Tony Keen. Kieron Gillen — a critical appreciation (статья), с. 7-8
      3. Chrissy Williams. Kieron Gillen (статья), с. 9-9
      4. Selected bibliography (comics series and collections), с. 10-10
    2. Christina Lake
      1. Christina Lake. Marsians and Martians: estrangement and the future evolution of the human race (статья), с. 11-14
      2. Andy Hooper. A Monograph in Limnology (статья), с. 14-15
      3. Lilian Edwards. My 6 Year Old Twin is a Fan Guest of Honour! (статья), с. 16-17
      4. Fanzinography, с. 17-17
    3. Nnedi Okorafor
      1. Nnedi Okorafor. The Magical Negro (рассказ), с. 19-20
      2. Kari Sperring. Futures Complex: the worlds of Nnedi Okorafor (статья), с. 20-22
      3. Selected bibliography (longer works), с. 22-22
    4. Kim Stanley Robinson
      1. Kim Stanley Robinson. Ta Shu 6: the Seven Good Reasons (отрывок), с. 23-24
      2. Niall Harrison. On Reading Kim Stanley Robinson (статья), с. 25-26
      3. Selected bibliography (longer works), с. 27-27
  3. A Few of My Favourite Things... about 2017, с. 28-32
  4. Mark Plummer. Ronvention: the first Harrogate Eastercon (статья), с. 33-33
  5. Mark Plummer. The First Follycon (статья), с. 34-34
  6. Christina Lake. First Follycon Retrospective: 1987 fanzines (статья), с. 35-35
  7. Alison Scott. Follysophy (статья), с. 36-37
  8. In Memoriam, с. 38-38
  9. Mark Plummer. The Doc Weir Award (статья), с. 39-39
  10. Claire Brialey. Fan Funds at Follycon (статья), с. 40-40
  11. Donna Scott. The BSFA at 60 (статья), с. 41-41
  12. Graham Sleight. The Science Fiction Foundation (статья), с. 42-42
  13. The Eastercon: past, present and future, с. 43-44
  14. Past Eastercon Summary Accounts, с. 45-49
  15. The Committee and Staff of Follycon, с. 50-51
  16. Follycon Membership List, с. 52-56


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