The Magazine of Fantasy ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September 1987»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September 1987

Язык издания: английский

1987 г. (сентябрь)

Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by Michael Garland.


  1. Ronald Anthony Cross. Shiva Shiva (novelet), р. 6-23
  2. Orson Scott Card. Books to Look For (review), р. 24-29
  3. John Morressy. A Legend of Fair Women (novelet), р. 30-49
  4. Mary Caraker. Lumisland (short story), р. 51-65
  5. Harlan Ellison. In Which The Specter At The Banquet Takes A Healthy Swig From The Flagon With The Dragon, Or Maybe The Chalice From The Palace (essay), р. 66-77
  6. Edward Wellen. Waswolf (short story), р. 79-87
  7. Gene O'Neill. The Armless Conductor (short story), р. 89-105
  8. Richard Mueller. Bless This Ship (short story), р. 106-122
  9. Isaac Asimov. A Sacred Poet (essay), р. 123-133
  10. Edward F. Shaver. The Gods Arrive (novelet), р. 134-158


На обложке журнала иллюстрация к рассказу М. Каракер.

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