Asimov s Science Fiction ...

«Asimov's Science Fiction, November/December 2023»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Asimov's Science Fiction, November/December 2023

Язык издания: английский

2023 г. (ноябрь)

Страниц: 212


Issue 574 & 575.

Cover art is not credited.


  1. Sheila Williams. Celebrations 2023! (статья)
  2. Robert Silverberg. Homo Superior—Us? (статья)
  3. James Patrick Kelly. Chatty (очерк)
  4. Ken Poyner. Ahead of the Market (стихотворение)
  5. Dominica Phetteplace. The Ghosts of Mars (повесть)
  6. Daniel A. Rabuzzi. Voyager 1 Prepares to Meet a Stranger (стихотворение)
  7. James Patrick Kelly. Embot’s Lament (рассказ)
  8. Ray Nayler. Berb by Berb (рассказ)
  9. John Alfred Taylor. The Open Road Leads to the Used Car Lot (рассказ)
  10. Robert R. Chase. Neptune's Acres (рассказ)
  11. Prashanth Srivatsa. Meet-Your-Hero (рассказ)
  12. Robert Frazier. Your Clone Could Use a Reboot (стихотворение)
  13. Kevin J. Anderson, Rick Wilber. Death of the Hind (повесть)
  14. Marguerite Sheffer. The Disgrace of the Commodore (рассказ)
  15. Joshua Cage. Oratorio (стихотворение)
  16. Frank Ward. In the Days After... (рассказ)
  17. Next Issue
  18. Paul J. McAuley. Blade and Bone (повесть)
  19. On Books
    1. Kelly Jennings. Review: The Red Scholar's Wake by Aliette de Bodard (рецензия)
    2. Kelly Jennings. Review: In the Heart of Hidden Things by Kit Whitfield (рецензия)
    3. Kelly Jennings. Review: A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher (рецензия)
    4. Kelly Jennings. Review: Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty (рецензия)
    5. Kelly Jennings. Review: The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill (рецензия)
    6. Kelly Jennings. Review: Penric's Labors by Lois McMaster Bujold (рецензия)
    7. Kelly Jennings. Review: The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton (рецензия)
  20. Erwin S. Strauss. SF Conventional Calendar (заметка)


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