Strange Divisions and Alien ...

«Strange Divisions and Alien Territories: The Sub-Genres of Science Fiction»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Strange Divisions and Alien Territories: The Sub-Genres of Science Fiction

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 г. (февраль)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 978-0-230-24967-7

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 236


This volume explores the sub-genres of science fiction from the perspectives of authors active in the field, offering both a critical viewpoint and insights from practising writers.

Artist not credited.


  1. Michael Swanwick. Foreword (статья), c. vii-x
  2. Contributors, c. xi-xiv
  3. Gary Gibson. From Slide–rules To Techno–mystics: Hard SF’s Battle For The Imagination (эссе), с. 1-11
  4. Alastair Reynolds. Space Opera: This Galaxy Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us (эссе), с. 12-25
  5. Justina Robson. Aliens: Our Selves And Others (эссе), с. 26-38
  6. Catherine Asaro, Kate Dolan. The Literature Of Planetary Adventure (эссе), с. 39-60
  7. John Grant. Infinite Pasts, Infinite Futures: The Many Worlds Of Time Travel (эссе), с. 61-82
  8. Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Alternate History: Worlds Of What If (эссе), с. 83-96
  9. James Lovegrove. The World Of The End Of The World: Apocalyptic And Post-apocalyptic Science Fiction (эссе), с. 97-111
  10. Adam Roberts. Does God Need A Starship? Science Fiction And Religion (эссе), с. 112-125
  11. Keith Brooke. No Place Like Home: Topian Science Fiction (эссе), с. 126-143
  12. James Patrick Kelly. Who Owns Cyberpunk? (эссе), с. 144-155
  13. Paul Di Filippo. Beyond The Human Baseline: Special Powers (эссе), с. 156-173
  14. Tony Ballantyne. Just Passing Through: Journeys To The Post-human (эссе), с. 174-
  15. Keith Brooke. Postscript (статья), с. 190-191
  16. Bibliography, c. 192-210
  17. Index, c. 211-222


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